To trust someone again is a huge step…

 … and the fear of being hurt again is a big obstacle.

But sometimes you just need to go through it and decide to do it. You can’t hold back. You’re either going to jump in with both feet, or you’re going to live your life always afraid.

I think it was very hard for me because of the trauma that I endured, but I came to the point where I said, “I’m going to do this. I’m going to trust myself again and I’m going to trust Doug.”

So how do you know when it’s time to trust again?

Many people ask me that question and there is no cookie-cutter way to answer this other than to say that you will know.  You will feel it in your head and your heart.

The thing to remember is that trusting again is solely up to you and should not be rushed.  It may not even seem like a decision at all as it will come naturally.

Trusting again comes slowly and in small bits and can be very fragile.

To be quite clear, trust cannot happen without tremendous effort from the unfaithful partner.

Remember to trust your gut and don’t be afraid to express how you feel, when you feel it.

But chances are that you are on this page because right now, you feel like there is no hope – like you are not as strong as other people who have moved on from their loved one’s affair.

I’m here to tell you that it is possible to have that trust back… and your relationship can be stronger than you ever thought possible.

Together, Doug and I beat the odds and are better off for it. We’ve never been happier.

We’ve dedicated our lives to helping other men and women who find themselves in the same situation we were once in so that trust can be rebuilt along with the love and the passion.

You may wonder though, how can trust be regained after such a betrayal?

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